Monday, July 28, 2008

Betty Wellman of Portsmith, OH

Should you get a call from Betty Wellman of Portsmith, OH, concerning genealogical research, please let her know that Clara says, "We're on it!" and that the person who handles such requests is out on Mondays, but her needs will be taken care of as quickly as possible.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Remotes for Seminar Room A

The remote controls for Seminar Room A are now on reserve at the Circulation Desk. The two remotes (projector & VCR) are in a bag and may be checked out for one day. If you need them longer, just let Circ. staff know.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grolier Databases Should Work Off-Campus

The three Grolier encyclopedias have, for much of their history with us, been very uncooperative with exproxy resulting in unreliable access from outside the campus network. With a recent fix they seem to now be proxying well. So we can encourage anyone who has had difficulty with them in the past to give them another try.

Moving On Up...

Thanks to MSPR the Ref Desk now has some golf pencils WITH ERASERS. This is a measure of opulence to which we could easily become accustomed.