Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New KYVL Login/Password

At the end of June the login and password that has been in place for a couple of years now for KYVL databases will be phased out. The new login and password are operational and available (behind an eagle account login/password) at:
Please remember to always refer to this web page and to never write passwords on slips of paper for convenience. That's a sure to eventually give patrons out-of-date information. There is a convenient link to this page from the passwords page as well as from many other pages on the website. If you forget the path to it and need the password quickly you can always type "KYVL password" into the search box for the website.

There is a key difference with the new password that everyone should understand. The previous login/password was for the broad category of colleges and universities and so was not restricted to the MSU community. The new login/password is exclusively for MSU and should not be given out to anyone who is not currently a student, staff, or faculty.
If someone not associated with MSU asks for the new login/password, please refer them to the public library in Kentucky nearest to them or to the library at the educational institution in Kentucky with which they are associated.

Since the two will overlap until the end of June, as a practical matter, we probably won't get many questions about this until June when the old login stops functioning.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Support for Wireless Laptops at the Reference Desk

Most of the time, the job of helping students to configure their laptops to be on the wireless network is too technical to be efficiently handled by library staff. So most question about wireless configuration should be referred to the:

Technology Service Center (TSC)
108 Lloyd Cassity Building
(606) 783-9000 TSC Help Desk

Because the TSC is not open in the evening or on the weekends there are a few easy things that we can do to assist patrons.

o In the drawer at the desk is a CD (labeled WiFi Installer) on which is copied the security certificate for the wireless network. A patron wanting to establish a connection to the wireless network can load and launch this CD. If this immediate remedy fails to work, then the patron must seek help at the TSC when it is open. The CD will be updated each semester by LTL staff. If the CD is lost or damaged please inform LTL staff.

o When a computer is not configured for the wireless network, there are some network hubs (located on the middle two tables in each reading room) which can be plugged into with a cable. Cables are available at the Reference Desk in the same drawer and in the same fashion as head phones. Ask for an ID in exchange for a cable, but if they don't have and ID give them the cable anyway. Troubleshoot the hubs by unplugging their power cords and plugging them back in.

o When a patron is connected to the wireless network but does not know how to send a print job to the PHAROS release station, then (s)he should be directed to this address to download the appropriate printer driver.

NOTE: Each reading room now has three antennae for the wireless network. Previously there had only been one per room. This means that if twenty or more laptops are on the wireless network in each room there should still be a strong signal.