remember to always refer to this web page and to never write passwords on slips of paper for convenience. That's a sure to eventually give patrons out-of-date information. There is a convenient link to this page from the passwords page as well as from many other pages on the website. If you forget the path to it and need the password quickly you can always type "KYVL password" into the search box for the website.
There is a key difference with the new password that everyone should understand. The previous login/password was for the broad category of colleges and universities and so was not restricted to the MSU community. The new login/password is exclusively for MSU and should not be given out to anyone who is not currently a student, staff, or faculty. If someone not associated with MSU asks for the new login/password, please refer them to the public library in Kentucky nearest to them or to the library at the educational institution in Kentucky with which they are associated.
Since the two will overlap until the end of June, as a practical matter, we probably won't get many questions about this until June when the old login stops functioning.