Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bergey's Manual...

... is being used for an assignment. Do not let it be checked out.

Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology / George M. Garrity, editor-in-chief.

Location: REFERENCE COLLECTION (Noncirculating)
Call Number: 589.90012 B496 Ed.2

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Testing Resources

There have been some question recently, so I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page with regards to the resources we have to help people who are taking standardized tests.

1) Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) solves the problem of everyone needing guides and practice tests at the same time by providing e-versions. Be aware though that each individual needs to create a personal account to actually click into the guide and practice tests. There is a practical reason for this. The practice tests are timed just as the real tests are timed. An individual account lets a person stop in the middle and then pick it up later where they left off. Most of our electronic resources allow individuals to create accounts, but for TERC it is pretty much necessary if they want to use it properly.

2) In the Career Collection we are removing print guides to the old GRE test and replacing them with guides for the new GRE. If a student cannot get a hold of one, please guide them to TERC

. It has the e-book version of Peterson’s Master the GRE 2011.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Don't Allow Special Permission Checkout for CRC and Merck

This week students are doing an assignment that requires them to use the latest editions of:

The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The Merck Index

Under no circumstances should you grant permission for these to be check out.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


From: Melissa Marie Brooks
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:33 AM
Subject: FRBRization in WCL and what you may see

Hi All,

I had a question brought to cataloging about why some editions of items show in WorldCat Local and others do not. This problem is part of the FRBRization of records in OCLC and the fact that there are several different levels of records available for items in OCLC. The example that was brought to my attention yesterday dealt with us having the 2nd and 3rd editions of a book. The 2nd edition was showing in WCL as having holdings at CCL. An icon and entry for the 3rd edition was also showing in WCL but was showing as having WorldCat Library Holdings and no CCL holding. If you would have clicked on the 2nd edition hyperlink for view all formats, it would have shown that we own the 3rd edition.

OCLC is aware of this issue with WorldCat Local and makes mention of it in the below findings in 2009 (p. 4 under Editions and FRBR).

I hope this information is useful.



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Films on Demand -- Options for Creating Links

1) Regular link into the database - http://www.moreheadstate.edu/library/db/fod

2) Link in to a Subject Area - go to the subject area, click on 'page link', and then copy and paste the URL

3) Link in to a Record - go the record, look for the title or segment url, and then copy and paste the URL

4) Embedding a Video - go the record, click on 'embed video', and then copy and paste the code to embed

5) Creating a Playlist - create an individual account, follow the instructions for creating a playlist

6) Set up a Search Widget - send an e-mail to library@moreheadstate.edu to request the code for the widget

Summary of Reference Books of the Week (Spring & Summer 2011)

Reference Books of the Week
January - June 2011
  • Famous First Facts
  • Notable Last Facts
  • The Foundation Directory
  • Literary Market Place
  • Chase's Calendar of Events
  • The World Almanac and Book of Facts
  • Kentucky Business Directory
  • Consumer Reports Buying Guide
  • Library and Book Trade Almanac
  • American Reference Books Annual
  • Short Story Index
  • Current Biography
  • Bibliographic Index

Friday, April 1, 2011

Periodical Check Out

Please review the Special Permissions Check Out procedures on pages 25 & 26 in the Reference Desk Manual.

Remember to tell the patron that they need to check out the item at the Circulation Desk. You may want to walk with the patron to the Circ. Desk and mention it to the staff person on duty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Color Printing

From: Ray Bailey
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 9:52 AM
Subject: Color Printing


Pay-for-Print color printing is now available to library customers, via a color printer located in the LTL.

Each public computer in the library will now have a printer called "Library Pharos Printer B&W" which will be the default, and will print B&W copies for 7 cents/page as always. Now, there will also be a printer choice called "CCL Color Pharos Printer," which will print color copies at 60 cents/page.

As always, library staff can print small color jobs for free with the LTL staff printers. Larger jobs should be submitted to Document Services.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Alerting Services page updated

The 'Alerting Services' page has been brought up to date. Please review it.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paper for Printers & Copiers

In an effort to reduce the number of calls we need to make for paper, we've asked Document Services to deliver 8 boxes when we are close to running out (4 for Research Services Desk and 4 for Circulation Desk). If you run out of paper at the Research Services Desk, feel free to get some from the Circulation Desk. Folks at the Circulation Desk will make the call to 3-5000 for additional paper.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Different monitor

As you can plainly see, we have a different monitor for the time being here at the Research Help desk. The one that was here (one of the new ones) gave up the ghost while I was in the middle of trying to answer a reference question (on the telephone). Ophelia said this is not a really good monitor either and she is going to try to replace it very soon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Student Employees and 2nd floor Scanning Station

Please remember that any student employee who does not have a time card in the drawer will need to talk to me before that are permitted to work.

Also, the scanning station upstairs on the 2nd floor is password protected. It is the same as the log-in and password used by the students for Voyager.
