From: Melissa Marie Brooks
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:33 AM
Subject: FRBRization in WCL and what you may see
Hi All,
I had a question brought to cataloging about why some editions of items show in WorldCat Local and others do not. This problem is part of the FRBRization of records in OCLC and the fact that there are several different levels of records available for items in OCLC. The example that was brought to my attention yesterday dealt with us having the 2nd and 3rd editions of a book. The 2nd edition was showing in WCL as having holdings at CCL. An icon and entry for the 3rd edition was also showing in WCL but was showing as having WorldCat Library Holdings and no CCL holding. If you would have clicked on the 2nd edition hyperlink for view all formats, it would have shown that we own the 3rd edition.
OCLC is aware of this issue with WorldCat Local and makes mention of it in the below findings in 2009 (p. 4 under Editions and FRBR).
I hope this information is useful.