Friday, February 15, 2008

Refresher for NetLibrary

Yesterday I was helping a patron with NetLibrary e-books and I needed to refresh my memory on the check-out policies. Since I needed a refresher I figure that others may as well. Here are some key points to remember.

1) When a patron views a Netlibrary e-book they are not limited in the amount of time they can have it checked out (previously it was 2 hours). However, they need to remain active with the e-book or else it will check itself back in after 15 minutes.

2) "Activity" is defined as traffic between the PC and the server. Using the scroll bar to move down the page is not activity. Clicking into a new page is activity.

3) Before it automatically checks a book back in NetLibrary will send a pop-up message asking whether to continue the session. Many times a browser will be set to block pop-ups, so this warning will not appear when pop-ups are blocked.

4) If any older NetLibrary sessions are cached they can sometimes interfere with new sessions. So the first troubleshooting tip for any problems encountered is to clear the browser's memory and history.

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